Connections Market Day at Kalmus

Standing: Jay, Angel Rodriguez, Kevin, Molly Fultz, Justin, Stacy, Don Sevilla, Joe Arnold, Marianne Taylor, Eddy; Seated: Hank. Students are identified by first name only.

Connections Market Day is a regular feature at the Kalmus Quad. The most recent Connections Market Day on Thursday, April 25 provided an opportunity for staff to shop for homegrown and handcrafted items created and sold by our Golden West College Connections students.

The April event featured Garden in a Box. Each Garden in a Box contained a selection of plants that went with a theme. The Salsa Garden had plants including tomatoes, onions, garlic and cilantro that could be used in salsa. The Salad Garden had plants for a salad including lettuce and cucumber. The Butterfly Garden had an assortment of flowers to attract butterflies. The Herb Garden had herbs that can be used for cooking, medicinal purposes and teas. The drawings of one of the students, Hank, provided the inspiration for the Garden in a Box labels.

Barbara Finley

Succulents in tin cans that had been decorated by the students were among the other market offerings.

Red sunflowers, plumeria starts and a zinnia mix were also available. Seeds were free with a purchase.

The money generated from purchases goes directly back to the classes, allowing teachers and students to decide how to spend it.

Imelda Cruz-Barrientos and Cathia Sandoval

It was a special event for students and shoppers, and a chance for everyone involved to feel part of a larger community. The next opportunity to support our students in their learning and growth is at the Connections Day Market on Thursday, May 16.